Andrew P. Michelson, MD

Assistant Professor | Director, Critical Care Informatics Research | Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Informatics | Intensivist | Physician Scientist

I am a physician-scientist committed to innovative, digital healthcare transformation. My interests revolve around the direct application of emerging healthcare technologies and informatics tools within the hospital system to improve the delivery of precision care.


  • Artificial intelligence/Machine learning
  • Computer vision
  • Critical care outcomes
  • Sepsis
  • Primary graft dysfunction of the lung


  • M.D., Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
  • Internal Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Pulmonology & Critical Care Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis

Recent Activity

[publication] OpenSep: a generalizable open source pipeline for SOFA score calculation and Sepsis-3 classification
[publication] Hospital trajectories and early predictors of clinical outcomes differ between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza pneumonia
[publication] Self-explaining neural network with concept-based explanations for ICU mortality prediction
[publication] Sepsis Prediction for the General Ward Setting
[publication] Respiratory support status from EHR data for adult population: classification, heuristics, and usage in predictive modeling
[review] Timing of antibiotic therapy in the ICU
[publication] Self-explaining Neural Network with Plausible Explanations
[review] Redefining the Threshold for Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics